A Lesson Before Moving

A Lesson Before Moving

The thing with life is the lessons never stop coming. Each challenging situation is an opportunity to understand yourself a little better. We have had our home on the market for nearly 3 months. This is a record for the LeBlanc's. I am sure there were several variables at play, just as I am sure that my charmingly beautiful home was not at fault. Maybe it was, but I choose to believe that a dreary Michigan spring and lack of imaginative buyers were to blame.

A few weeks back, we received an offer from a couple that had just sold their $2,000,000 lake home. This seemed a bit odd for us as our home could comfortably fit in their living room. We accepted their somewhat miserly offer and began 2 very stressful weeks. They were less than pleasant and were not interested in a symbiotic relationship. We finally reached our breaking point and stood our ground long enough for them to terminate the contract. It felt wonderful to have ended our short but abusive relationship. We gave ourselves and our home a quick pep talk before putting it back onto the home dating market. Before we even had a chance to add a fresh coat of lipstick, we had two new offers. One of which was even better than the original. We are now in a healthy relationship with two honest and reasonable buyers. So, what exactly was the lesson learned? You can not have a healthy relationship with unhealthy people, no matter how healthy you are.

I hope you enjoyed my little life lesson and home selling story. Our impending cross country move is only weeks away. I have spent years watching professionals pack up my belongings before shipping them across various interstates. This time I am the professional packer. I am actually enjoying the challenge. It is yet another chance to find an art form in something ordinary.





