A Place to Gather

A Place to Gather

Today, I had some painters come and take care of the foyer and stairwell. My husband does not believe in elevating himself above what an 8 foot ladder allows. With this bit of progress, I am now in the process of bringing to life this often neglected area in most people's homes. Hopefully, some pictures will be coming soon. This, of course, depends on how quickly we can find someone not afraid of heights to hang the new statement light fixture.

In order to keep up with my decorating philosophy of completing one space before moving on to another, I put the finishing touches on the family room this week. This area was a challenge as it shares walls and space with the kitchen and holds the infamous television. I like what has evolved from this once dark and depressing room. Most of the time and money were spent outside having three ugly and near death trees removed in order to have more light and a less daunting view.

We now have the perfect family space to gather and watch The Walking Dead. Nothing brings a family together like zombies and a new world order.


My only before picture shows the combined space with the kitchen. Also, please note my tech guy's shirt of the astronaut mowing his lawn on the moon, Marty and our lovely agent.


After 20 years, I have ditched my trademark white curtains for navy.


Bonus points for finding the Xbox that should have been removed before my impromptu photo shoot.


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