An Indulgent Digression

An Indulgent Digression

The two winners of the scented drawer sachets are Janice and Jessica! Please select which fragrance (Modern Muse, Beautiful or Romance) you would like spritzed on your tiny pillow, and I will get them mailed off to you. You can freshen up the fragrance once it fades with any of your favorite perfumes or essential oils. I actually bribed my tech guy to comment by offering to give him one scented in his favorite aroma, Balsam and Cedar, so that his drawers could smell like a forest.

Please indulge me for a moment as I share something a bit different with you:

Two years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. And, for nearly two years now, I have been cancer free. It's interesting that the last two years of my life could fit so neatly into those two simple sentences. From the moment that one doctor told me that things did not look good to another, just yesterday, telling me that things look fine, I have found myself placed on a path that was not planned. It's been a complicated one that has lead me to crave a life of simplicity. There is nothing easy about simplicity. In fact, trying to live a simple life is one of the most difficult things that I have ever done. It is a life of constant parring down and reevaluation. The things that I choose to curate in my existence must have meaning, whether it be objects or relationships. There is so much less in my life now, but it means more than it ever did before. For me living and finding beauty with less is not a trend, but the only way that I know how to keep moving forward. I heard a breast cancer survivor say recently that cancer ended up being a blessing for her because it gave her a new life. One that now only held what she truly valued. I know it sounds kind of dark, but I could not agree with her more.

Thanks for taking a moment to digress with me from my usual writing fare.


A few things from my current curation entitled "All Things Green"

