Day 14: Creative Cleaning Tip 1

Day 14: Creative Cleaning Tip 1

As I mentioned last week, Thursday is my busiest cleaning day of the week. I have decided to make this my cleaning tip day here on the blog as nothing else happens on this day, except maybe this.

If you happen to have a ridiculously large garden tub like myself, might I recommend putting on a pair of your cleanest rubber soled shoes and climbing into your said tub. Just make sure to have a pair of handy latex cleaning gloves, a sponge and some of your favorite cleaner. Turn the hot faucet on at a nice semi-slow steady stream and clean away. When it is time to exit, be careful not to slip and get a concussion. I have yet to fall and that is saying a lot for me. As an added bonus, the soles of your shoes are nice and clean now. You're welcome!
