Faîre Simple

Faîre Simple

I have been wanting to share something, anything, with you guys for awhile. But, my faîre simple (keep it simple) philosophy on life is making it difficult. What have I been up to the last few weeks? What fun bits of advice from my life can I pass on to others? These are questions that don't seem to have blog worthy answers. I have been busy playing the roles of absent minded idiot, medical patient, owner of a broken and bruised toe, chauffeur, interior design client, academic adviser scheduler, grounds keeper, painter (or, as they call them in the UK, decorator, which just sounds better), on again/off again cook, washing machine operator, project manager, DMV waiting room seat filler and general odd duck.

These roles that I play daily have often made me wonder if full time bloggers actually live the lives they portray. I just don't think that is possible. Kind of like the Rednecks for Bernie bumper sticker that I saw recently. By the sheer definition of a redneck you can not be for Bernie, and if you are, you are simply a person with a truck and not a redneck. Rednecks do not believe that anyone should be responsible for anything in their life except for them. For example, if a redneck wants to go to a water park, they simply build one in their yard using old lumber, tires (from vehicles in their yard) and trash bags. If a redneck wants to go swimming, they simply cut off a pair of their jeans to serve as swim wear. If a redneck wants to float down river, they simply use any tires left over from their water park. I hope that I have made my point and can now return to my real point, which is that bloggers do not live the lives they portray.

As I am a firm believer in living the one life I have been given and doing it with the faîre simple philosophy, I have come to the conclusion that I will never be a successful blogger. I will however be a successful liver. This is more in keeping with my hope in succeeding or, at least, not failing in the roles I have to play.

I do have a small bit of advice to offer before I sign off.

Never be afraid to show your floor boards and plain walls. So often, we hide them under rugs and layers of the latest farmhouse or boho trends. Pure Style must place comfort above perfection in order to achieve a crisp, clean home that is a haven from the busyness of contemporary living. This advice is half Tansy and half Jane Cumberbatch. Lucky for you all that I know what Jane said and was able to apply it to my own brilliance.

Here are a few pictures of my non blogging life from my non blogging camera.

Faîre Simple


Staring at My Computer Before Writing


Good-bye Sherwin, Hello Ben


And so Begins the Transformation


Built Ins with Purpose and Style


Another Built In



Weekend Plans
