Faking Spring

Faking Spring

March in Michigan is quite blah. The snow is (mostly) gone, and the sun does show up bit more often than the months ending in 'ary'. But, the trees are still a long way off from buds and blooms and the local greenhouses remain shutdown for the season due to the fact that freezing temps are still quite common until after Mother's Day. So, what does one do if they have a home on the market where the outside property is just as important to the value of the home as the home itself? I am glad that you asked. In order to help those without any imagination, I have tried to create the illusion of spring and warmer days to come. I know that it falls short of the beauty that nature creates when she wakes up and decides to show off. However, it did give my creative side something to do today while I was avoiding more practical things like lesson plans and high school transcripts.




