How to Practice Leaf Collecting

How to Practice Leaf Collecting

I think it is very important to have some type of regular exercise routine. I feel this way for various reasons: health, endorphin production, superiority over those that don't and, most importantly, the need for enough physical stamina to survive a zombie apocalypse. That being said, I really hate to exercise. The whole putting on special clothes, sweating and coordination thing has pretty much kept it from my top 1000 things to do in my day list. However, being a particularly creative person, I have developed my own special ways of staying in shape. Each season has a unique routine as I like to shake things up a bit. With fall just around the corner, I have decided to share my very personal secret for staying fit during the season of pumpkin donuts and lattes.

The first thing that you need to do is buy or rent a home around a lot trees.

A Very Tall Oak that Technically Belongs to my Neighbor, But Likes to Hangout In My Yard


Next, find yourself an attractive bucket.

Galvanized Metal Bucket From Lowes


Then, put on your least exercise appropriate outfit. I recommend anything that you would meet a friend in to have a glass of wine.

The Author Wearing a Blue Silk Shirt with a Merino Wool Sweater and White Slim fit Jeans


Now, spend the next 30 or so minutes making sure that there are no traces of real fall in your yard by removing any leaves that have left their branches. For extra stretching and caloric burning, pay close attention to any of those little buggers that may have made it to your patio or deck floor.

Be Sure to Watch Your Form and Wear Inappropriate Shoes


Don't Be Afraid to Go Deep Into Your Landscaping, Even if It Means Getting Close to Your Back Fence


I Never Miss an Opportunity to Get a Little Extra Calorie Burning In


It is always important to have a cool down after exerting oneself. So, finally, head inside, light some artificially scented harvest candles and enjoy fake fall.

Candles that Smell Like Things People Used to Bake in the Fall

