I'd Rather Be Vacuuming

I'd Rather Be Vacuuming

I realize that I have not been a faithful blogger. I think this will most likely be my downfall in the success driven blogging world. Of course, there may be other key things to my possible demise such as the fact that I don't live a very exciting life. But, then that was never really the point of this site. I just wanted a place to share my secret to beautiful living. Actually, I don't live a beautiful life so there is no secret really. I guess in the spirit of honesty, I will let you all in on the real truth. This was just meant to be a place for my thoughts. Based on the rarity of my posts, it may appear that I don't have very many of them. This couldn't be further from the truth. My random thoughts inundate my mind with the consistency of an IV drip. I just have a very difficult time making myself stop my day to day existence long enough to record these thoughts in some rational form for you. Even now, as I was about to sit down and pen out my latest head full of knowledge, I was much more drawn to the idea of vacuuming. Not because it needed to be done, but simply because I wanted to do it. There are few things that I love more than freshly vacuumed carpet before it has been marred by the tread of human soles. And, there is little that I find more tragic than carpet with a well-worn foot path mercilessly trodded across it. Google does not seem to think trodded is a word. But, I beg to differ and therefore it will stay. Life is calling me away yet again to start another task. I hate to leave another unfinished and therefore unpublished post , so I will give a quick summary of the contents of my brain before signing off.

I am sad that I have only one episode of Doc Martin left to watch.

I am flattered that Pinterest thinks my two top interests are Richard Armitage and Beach Houses.

I  am not sure how I really feel about cauliflower.

I don't understand why everyone I know is too busy to enjoy life a little more.

I am only slightly concerned that everyone I know is enjoying life, just not with me.

I miss Linus.

I worry that I am becoming more and more different than the modern woman.

I guess if things get bad enough I can just quarantine myself. Of course, this may or may not go so well as I do get lonely on occasion.

I am glad that Chandler is looking forward to my next blog post, even if it is only to mock it.


Also, feel free to enjoy a picture of some freshly cut hydrangeas from my yard. I didn't have a picture of my beloved vacuum available.
