Idea Book

Idea Book

For years, I have had several home interior magazine subscriptions. I enjoy seeing and being inspired by what the rest of the world is up to in their homes. Although, I will admit there have been more than a few trends over the years that I personally have found baffling. Right now there seems to be a wave of designers drawing inspiration from crayon boxes and preschool art work. Often, I can go through an entire magazine only to find myself perplexed by what is being crammed into people's homes. But, on occasion, a color scheme or styling choice can still catch my attention in a good way. I usually can't explain why exactly, but I just know that I like it. I crop and cut out only the pictures that I like and use them to create my own idea book. Regardless of how long an idea has been in my book, the reason behind it does not fade. When put together with other images that have caught my attention over the years, it gives me a very clear idea of what type of setting I like in my home. I have always been drawn to neutrals and simplicity, but how I achieve that look in the different seasons and houses of my life is always evolving.

As I am about to embark on another transformation, I am taking into account what is already in my latest book along with a few new looks out there that are catching my eye. This has helped me to create my own personal project brief and vision for the various empty spaces currently in our new home.

For the record, I am quite aware of the existence of Pinterest. I even have several boards. Though it has helped me out from time to time, I try to use it only as a last resort. There is just too much on there! It becomes overload after only a few minutes of swiping. Not to mention after the 200th blog post pic of nearly identical 'unique' spaces, I am usually bored with the look and ready to find something else without ever having actually tried any version of it in my home. As I side note, it is no secret that each time I pin something Pinterest decides that they know me better than I know myself. They love to make expert suggestions to guide me in life. Currently, Pinterest thinks that I am a senior citizen looking for love and a minimal New York City loft apartment .  I much prefer the creativity that a stack of magazines, a pair of scissors, a glue stick and my privacy along with my own intuition brings.

If you are interested in doing something similar, it does help to pass a rainy Saturday afternoon quite nicely. Not to mention, it is pleasantly reminiscent of creative childhood days that are long gone for most of us.

Items to Potentially Purchase
