Laundry Rooms are Important Too

Laundry Rooms are Important Too

It's been a while. My site had some technical difficulties and my Tech Guy had to finish up his winter quarter before he could address the travesty of my downed blog. All is now well, and I am back. Needless to say, I have quite the back log of photos and projects to share with you. It was pointed out a few months ago that I had never shared my laundry room with you all. My sincerest apologies. This was a bit intentional as it is still a work in progress. It also happens to be the busiest and most out of sorts room in my home. But, I overcame these obstacles to bring you my first ever laundry room post. Enjoy!

The laundry room is often the most neglected of all the functioning spaces in our homes. I am sure a psychologist would find some fancy way to link the average person's hate/hate relationship with the never ending chore of laundry to the actual disaster that is most laundry rooms. I can relate to this dilemma as laundry is not my favorite thing. Yet, it somehow always seems to be on my list of things to do. In order to combat this very distressing quandary, I have come up with a brilliant plan that I will now share with all of you.

First, stop seeing laundry rooms as having no value. It causes us to neglect them immensely. This neglect leads to avoidance and lots of dirty clothes. Most of us have to be in there at some point each day, especially if you have to walk through it on your way in and out of your home as I do.

eSecond, take the time to source out nicely packaged products for the purpose of laundering. Thanks to online shopping and Target this is easily and fairly inexpensively done. I highly recommend Mrs. Meyer's laundry detergent and fabric softener. Borax is a great laundry boost that looks clean and fresh in a mason jar. Also, The Grove makes a beautifully packaged Castile soap that is the best multi purpose soap on the planet. It can be used as a laundry detergent or a simple hand wash in addition to a million other things.

Third, find a way to display your lovely products. This will make you want to use them more and, hopefully, inspire you to keep your laundering space neat and clean. I also recommend a stylish all purpose basket or two for clean clothes that need to be folded or ironed. Oh! That reminds me, having a nice natural linen spray for that impending ironing makes you almost look forward to the task. My personal favorite is Caldrea's Driftwood and Rosewater. I could go on and on about my hardest working space, but I am afraid that this post would turn into a book. Bottom line, just respect the space and it will respect you.

Laundry Room Before

Such a Depressing Room

Laundry Room in its current state

View From Garage Entry

Coat Rack Made from Old Fence Boards

View From Kitchen Doorway

The Exact Spot Where I Spend 1/4 of my Life

A Few Visual Images of My Helpful Hints

My Favorite Helpful Products

Laundry Basket with Linen Spray
This fragrance is Rosemary and Blue Sage. Caldrea does not make a bad scent.

Recycle Bin for Those That Care About Such Things

A Cat and It's Hidden Litter Box can be a Welcome Addition to Any Laundry Room
