Noir Et Blanc

Noir Et Blanc

This black and white post is my attempt at something artistic. Okay, not really. I got a new camera and decided to have some fun playing around with it. I spent the morning taking some random unstaged shots of my home. I have been told more than once that my world looks a bit too perfect. Being that I feel exceptionally imperfect most of the time, I find this a bit amusing.

My home is my safe place from both the world and the troubles that life brings. My goal in sharing my world with you all is to encourage you as well as myself to find the beauty in our homes. Home is not a place many take pride in anymore. We take pride in our restaurant selections, jobs, children, pets, politics, accomplishments, travels and pretty much anything that is not domestic. All of the things that make up living can be as exhausting as they are fulfilling.

It is imperative that we have a place to retreat in order to clear both the mind and soul. I believe that a well cared for, not perfect, home is the best place for true rest and comfort.

Enjoy a few shots of my beautifully imperfect home on a December morning.

Half Done Puzzle, Rumpled Pillows and a Cat Scratch Lounger

Fritz and Breakfast

Monty Adding a Fresh Layer of Dirt and Fur to the Couch

Allie Leaving Her Mark on the Chair

Teenage Clothing in Need of a Proper Home

Drying Jeans are A Near Permanent Display in the Laundry/Mudroom

Not a Single Pair of Cute Display Boots on This Boot Tray

The Foyer Looking Kind of Perfect
