Old is New

Old is New

Castile soap is all the rage at at the moment. It is a vegetable oil based soap that originated in the Castile region of Spain. This popular cleaning staple for housekeepers from the beginning of time (or a really really long time ago) through the 1950's was quite the multitasker. However, it went out of fashion with the onslaught of name brand cleaning supplies like Mr. Clean, 409 and Scrubbing Bubbles. You can clearly see why this happened. With such luxurious and effective sounding names, why would one want to use a soap that comes from a country where a daily three hour siesta is required? Anyway, it took a few decades, some cute marketing and the millennial generation's need to be original to make this lovely hardworking soap trendy once again.

Grove recently gave me a bottle to try for free just because they like me. I admit that I honestly had no idea what to do with this soap other than display it. After a bit of googling, I discovered that there isn't anything that you can't do with it. It's kind of like the duck tape of cleaning products. Week one, I played it safe and used it for a mid week toilet bowl clean. By week two, I was ready to test it in a more daring way. I decided to use it for my weekly kitchen cleaning. The best part, other than the smell and effectiveness, was the simplicity. I was able to wipe my cabinet doors, sink, counters, table, chairs and pretty much anything else that had a surface with this one simple product. Just a drop every so often on my sponge did the trick, and when it was all over, my kitchen smelled like a relaxing day spa. Next week, I plan to be even more daring and make my own soft scrub concoction. If all goes well, I'll share the recipe with you.

This soap is pretty easy to find. I saw some at Target this week in one of their beauty aisles (yes, it can even be used as a body wash). Although, I do think my Grove bottle is the prettiest option out there.
