Original Artwork

Original Artwork

Years ago back when Martha Stewart was the classiest person I knew, I took to heart all the advice she could fit between the pages of her glossy magazine, Living. I have forgotten most of it. Thankfully, I am now the classiest person I know and readily dish out my own advice for others to take to heart. But, there is one Martha rule of living that I can't seem to forget no matter how hard I try.

If you can't afford original artwork, go visit it in a museum.

Hanging prints is just tacky.* I am sorry if this hard truth is offensive. But, it has stood the test of time in my mind. I love Monet and in college and early in my marriage, his prints proudly hung in poster frames around my abodes. I have been lucky to see many of his works in museums around the country and world. But, the one place I will never see him again is in my home.

This is not to say that I am a proponent of empty wall space. So, what is one to do? Well, if you are lucky enough to be a talented artist like my sister or friend, Sharissa, then you only need to be brave enough to find the pieces you've done that make you smile. If you are an amazing photographer like my friends Jill, Joanna and Lori, then the same thought applies. However if you are a mere plebian like myself, what is one to do? I have two words for you, 'fake it'. Pretend you are talented, and don't for a second apologize for it. If your art looks more like a gummy worm than a tree, say it is your interpretation of the subject. If your photos are over exposed, claim artistic perspective. I love my personally curated museum full of works by the most brilliant artist I know, myself. Nothing speaks to me or tells my story like my own interpretation of the world around me.

I would enjoy seeing some of your own work. Seriously, please comment, as I am also testing the quality of my new email service for subscribers.

Time to Replace my Millennial Friends with Real Life

So Much Art So Few Frames

Northwest Coast Proudly Displayed in my Bedroom

What it Really Looks Like in my Bedroom

*Numbered prints or ones signed by the artist can sometimes be an exception to the rule.
