Small Space with Big Impact

Small Space with Big Impact

Small things tend to be the best no matter how you look at it. I love small things. To help illustrate, I will include a list of small things that I love: my cats, a single cut flower, me, cherry tomatoes, a trip to the mailbox, small packages, the discovery of a new author, a glass of wine, a pair of new shoes, a sunny morning, a rainy afternoon, an Americano on a Sunday morning, cats that wander into my yard to say, 'hi', a pint of Tillamook honey toffee crisp ice cream, a new haircut, mini pumpkins in the fall and lilacs in June. My list could be endless, but I must, nevertheless, end it. I love small things. Ask me to name something big that I love, and the list will be much shorter. I don't even love big packages, mostly because I have to dispose of the boxes. I just wanted to share this bit of info with you. However, I won't lie; it also helped to announce the completion of my smallest space here on Upper Midhill, my half bathroom. I love the impact a few coats of paint has made on this space. It is truly its own special retreat each time I enter it. What was once the visual combination of day old hot chocolate and sunburned flesh has been turned into a crisp therapeutic oasis. As you peruse my selected photos, take the time to notice my clever little toilet paper holder. I found the inspiration in the bath of a small brewery somewhere in Northern Michigan. Also, please be aware that as much as I love small things and spaces photographing them is no small undertaking.

The Painful Before


As Much of the Upper Area as I Could Photograph


Actually Purchased in Westminster


Cute! Right?


The Lower Area


The Photographer and Her Rug


A Little Bit of Everything


