Spring Cleaning Part 1

Spring Cleaning Part 1

You all knew this post would come eventually. Honestly, I think most of these tasks are best performed in late winter before the warmer weather brings on the desire to just sit and bask in the sun. Thanks to the cold weather up here in Michigan, it still feels like late winter. Those that are up here with me have no excuse. The rest of you kind of don't either. Seriously, what is more fun and rewarding than a home cleaned down to the details? Basking in that warm sun on a spring afternoon with a glass of chilled white wine feels so much better when one knows that they have a home spruced and cleaned down to every possible detail.

There are several spring cleaning lists online and in magazines this time of year. Most are either too 'Martha Stewart' or too 'I love living in my own filth'. I am here to provide the sane middle ground list. In order to provide perspective and not overwhelm, I am breaking my list down by rooms. Plan on spending a day or two on each space. It makes it feel less overwhelming and provides better health benefits. Kind of like dividing your recommended healthy 4 to 8 ozs of daily wine consumption into 2 oz portions. Not sure of my analogy here, but I think I made a point if not the correct one.


  • Clean Stove Top and Oven (Include racks and burners.) - Borax, baking soda and water make a good natural cleaner.
  • Wipe Inside of Cabinets (Good time to try out Castile soap.)
  • Wipe Outside of Cabinets (I do mine every week, but I am pretty sure that most people don't.)
  • Vacuum Tops of Cabinets (Use attachments or a small hand held vac.)
  • Thoroughly Clean Inside of Refrigerator (Make sure to take out all removable drawers and shelves to do this.) - Dish soap works great.
  • Vacuum Refrigerator Coils
  • Clean and Disinfect Trash Can inside and out (Include the liner if you have one.)
  • Do a Vinegar Rinse in Your Dishwasher
  • Wipe Inside of Microwave (Again, this is weekly at my house, but...)
  • Clean Light Fixtures
  • Clean Windows, Frames and Screens (50/50 Vinegar and Water Solution)
  • Give any Wood Tables or Surfaces a Polish with Lemon Oil


  • Clean Inside and Outside of Washer and Dryer (A 50/50 vinegar and water solution works great for this too.)
  • Clean Lint Screen with Dish Soap and Running Water
  • Swiffer or Vacuum Walls (Dust and lint love to hang out here.)
  • Wipe Inside and Outside of Any Cabinets
  • Clean Light Fixtures


  • Clean Ceiling Fans and Light fixtures
  • Wash and Bleach Mattress Covers
  • Vacuum Mattresses While Covers are Being Washed
  • Clean Windows, Frames and Screens
  • If Warm Enough, Open Windows to Air Out Rooms
  • Clean and Rinse All Vents
  • Swiffer or Vacuum Walls (Trust me, they are covered in dust and dead skin!)
  • Vacuum Overlooked and Small Floor Spaces Around Beds and Other Furniture (Use Attachments for these areas.)

*I did not mention wiping down doors as I spot clean mine regularly. PLEASE add them to the list if you don't do this. Dirty doors, especially white ones, are just plain gross.

That's all for part 1. Obviously, this is my personal list. Do as much or as little as you wish. If you skip things, I will probably judge you. Actually, I won't ever really know unless you tell me. I'll finish up next time with living rooms and outside areas.

Castile Soap


Vinegar and Water 50/50 Solution


Lemon Oil


