The Joy of Doug

The Joy of Doug

I decided to take a few things off of our Christmas checklist this year. I eliminated the infamous gingerbread village, Christmas cookie decorating and our town's wassailing event. Sadly, like our town's annual wassail, the two other traditions were dying with the changing times. There was little to no reaction from the crowd when I told my family the news. But, the cheers of delight that came, after I explained there would be two new traditions added in their place, were nearly audible. First and foremost, I explained that we would be going into the wilds of the Michigan forest or a tree farm to cut down our very own tree.

Determined to start off this festive season right, I managed to pack my three guys into our non all wheel drive SUV one cold windy afternoon in December. Once the mumbling stopped, we headed off to pick out our very own Christmas tree. For years, we had to suffer with one too perfect pre-lit tree after another due to a con artist in Texas that took away are Christmas like belief in tree lots. I still have little faith in tree lots, even ones with fancy names like Lowe's and Home Depot. But, our semi local tree farm seemed about as honest as we could get, what with the tree still being attached by the roots and all. We wandered around aimlessly for minutes rejecting one tree after another based on unwanted characteristics like fat, tall, pretty, Korean and blue. Then, suddenly, tired and wind blown after a grueling 15 minutes, we found the one. It was neither fat, tall, pretty, Korean or blue. In fact, it was what some self proclaimed arborist might refer to as a white spruce, but to us, it was a tree just ordinary enough to fit into our home. Doug, as we was promptly named him back when we mistakenly thought he was a Douglas fir, came down with only a few saws of the blade.

Once home, I proceeded to hack away nearly half his branches in my attempt to create a Victorianesquely trimmed tree. This probably was not what I achieved, but Doug now semi-proudly stands in our living room full of our family's collection of made in China ornaments. My guys have a quiet subtle way of letting me know that we have in fact created a wonderful new family tradition. I can see the smile behind there glazed over eyes as the pass through the living room several times each day. Behind their bored expressions, I see the joy that Doug brings them. Without a doubt,  I know I made the right decision in adding this wonderful event to our Christmas season.

Our second new tradition will have to wait for another day's telling. This story had enough good cheer to warm the soul on its own.









