The Perfect Distraction

The Perfect Distraction

Even though I am a seasoned mover, I still find the process of transition to be stressful. It is such an unpredictable time. There are often days and moments of nearly non stop rapid decision making followed by periods of waiting so quiet that you can hear the metaphorical clock ticking loudly in the background. Even though these times should be a welcome reprieve from the busyness, they are usually when I end up the closest to insanity. Yesterday afternoon was shaping up to be one such moment. I could feel my common sense draining away along with the little energy I had left. Never one to admit defeat, I quickly devised a solution. I decided to finally tackle my infamous chair slipcover project. I had been putting it off for weeks with no immediate plans to butcher the newly purchased replacement fabric.

I will stop at this point in my little story to let you all know that I have never in my life recovered anything other than a pillow. I do believe when I decided to rip apart the faded cat scratched slip cover of my beloved 15 year old chair, in order to create a pattern for a crisp new one, that I may have been on some kind of narcotic.

Now, back to my saga.

What could be more distracting than an overwhelming project in which I would most likely find myself in over my head? It was a true stroke of genius! The next 4 hours flew by. I was in a catatonic state of confused euphoria. In the end, I had somehow managed to cut out every necessary piece of fabric and even had a vague plan on how to move forward. But, more joyous than my feeling of success was my feeling of exhaustion. I knew that I would be too tired to hear any ticking clocks that evening and that sleep would come quickly. After I swept the cloud like covering of fabric from my floor, I raised a glass to myself and my small victory.
