The Pillow Post

The Pillow Post

Pillows are such a personal thing. Just ask someone that has spent the night using a guest or hotel pillow how they slept. Even the less practical cousin to the sleeping pillow, the throw pillow, is a personal thing. Next to paint in a room, they do the most to personalize a space. It is the decorating tool that anyone can afford and should think twice about neglecting. I recently made a few minor pillow adjustments to my two 'finished' living spaces. One was the combined result of a Tillamook handkerchief that my husband brought home from work and an afternoon trying to avoid real life responsibilities. I now have the perfect pop of cheddar and navy on my couch.


A true one of a kind pillow


Aerial view of my new pillow with a few friends


The other new pillow, sadly, has no story. I found it at HomeGoods while killing time during my 14 year old's Modern American History class. But, I think it adds a nice little touch of orange to my white front living room.


Orange is the perfect complement to black


I bet you thought that would be the end of this post, but it is not. For those of you that are still reading, I have one more type of pillow to discuss and giveaway. The much lesser known tiny pillow called the drawer sachet. It just so happened on the aforementioned day when the handkerchief pillow was made that I discovered that my much loved Italian wool sweater had shrunk to a perfectly sized cat sweater. As I stared at it in dismay, I could not bring myself to cruely discard it as if we had never meant anything to each other. Soon inspiration struck, I would turn it into drawer sachets.


Aren't they cute?


Several months ago my dear friend, Lori, had presented a lovely pink polka dotted version of one to me. It was cleverly spritzed with her favorite perfume, Romance by Ralph Lauren. I thought since I was making a cheddar pillow and avoiding important life events anyway that I might as well repurpose my miniature sweater. Despite its shrunken state, I had enough fabric along with some remaments from my neutral apron making days to create a few extras. So...Janice and Jessica get your comments ready! Actually, anyone that comments on this post will be placed in a drawing to win one of two sachet sets spritzed in one of my favorite perfumes. All of your clothes and linens that come in contact with them will smell just like me. Any male subscriber that makes the deadline and gets his name drawn has the option of a more masculine spritz thanks to the 3 men that live in my home.


Scent choices are Beautiful or Modern Muse by Estee Lauder and Romance by Ralph Lauren


Since I am a very busy person these days, I have empathy for my busy readers. I will give you guys a full week for the deadline. All comments must be made by the time I get around to reading them on Wednesday, October 24th.

* Check out artofbeingtansy on Instagram for some extra photos


