Schedule of a Modern Day Housewife

I recently came across a blog that listed the typical 1950s housewife's daily cleaning list. The person writing was going to do a daring experiment of trying to stick to the list for 30 days. The comments ranged from "best of luck" to "after reading this list, I have decided that I like my messy house". However, I believe that there were some fundamental flaws behind the experiment and comments. The first being the assumption that each item on the list was a monumental project versus the 5 to 10 minute task that it really was. The second is this Hollywood created idea that breakfast in the 1950s always entailed food worthy of a cruise ship buffet. But, most importantly, is the current idea that caring for one's home and family is drudgery. There's a narrative today that the items that make up a home matriarch's day are bullet points of torture created to keep her enslaved. For us that love the idea of living in a well cared for home, it is anything but drudgery. Yet, we are constantly being told that taking care of that which is ours is archaic and that our time and resources are wasted. A house is simply a dumping ground for our clothes, headaches and latest purchases. To enjoy life, we head off to places that really matter like the latest microbrewery for goat cheese Euro burgers and a glass of some pretentious sounding beer.

I seem to have digressed a bit from what this post was going to be about. I try to stay positive and enjoy the life that I have chosen, but, at times, I get worn down by a society that describes my purpose and life as drudgery. It may be to some, and it is their right to feel that way. It is not to me, and I am beginning to suspect that I am not the only one that feels this way. I will even go a step further and suspect that there are even more that would share my love of home if they hadn't been told their entire life that it is nothing more than pointless drudgery. I will stop my rant now and move on to my next paragraph and actual point.

I have been asked more times than I can count by friends and acquaintances what my magical cleaning schedule is. What exactly is it that I do to achieve such a clean, orderly and comforting home? Today, I am going to share my secret list with you. Although the schedule itself shifts and changes with each season of life, my basic routine has not altered that much. I am the queen of simplicity so what I do today is much more streamlined than what it was 20 years ago. I hope that will make it seem doable to anyone that might be interested in giving something similar a try. This is just basic list. I plan to periodically take a specific thing on the list and explain what the 'Tansy' version of that is for my faithful followers. If there is something specific that you are interested in, please ask. It will make my day to explain exactly what my crazy mind has come up with for that particular task.

Daily  Schedule:

  • Wake up between 6:30/7
  • Throw back covers to air sheets
  • Freshen up with a quick tooth brushing and a spritz of my favorite perfume
  • Turn on coffee maker
  • Feed Cats, Scoop Cat litter, Sweep up Cat litter off of floor
  • De-fur the couch and chairs in living room with lint roller
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee in de-furred chair while checking the days headlines or having deep thoughts
  • Make breakfast for myself (This is only if I remember that I need to eat.)
  • Unload the dishwasher
  • Wipe down counters and stainless steel with vinegar water solution
  • Swiffer the wood floors and ceramic tiled areas
  • Get dressed for the day
  • Use Swiffer to wipe up all hair from the bathroom floor and wipe down counter and sink with vinegar water solution
  • Make my bed and bring down and start laundry for the day. I do clothes every other day, sheets once a week and towels and bath rugs twice a week
  • Run errands, grocery shop or tackle a weekly cleaning task such as dusting, windows, baths, kitchen, ironing & vacuuming (This depends on the day of the week and current cleaning schedule.)
  • Make lunch for myself and/or brunch for my boys (This is only if I am feeling generous and want them to stay focused on school.)
  • Make necessary phone calls, emails or texts
  • Place clean laundry that needs to be ironed in the ironing basket, fold and hang everything else (If time allows, I put away same day. If not, I tackle this the next morning before getting dressed.)
  • Feed Cats
  • Begin prep for dinner (This is often down with what the boys call my depressing music and a glass of wine.)
  • Set the table making sure to always use linen napkins
  • Enjoy dinner with my family
  • Sweep the floor and wipe down the counters, table and stove top while the boys and Marty take care of dishes and empty the trash
  • Prep coffee for the morning, make sure the kitchen is spotless and the living room is clutter free
  • Shower and Pajamas (Hopefully, this happens by 6:30/7.)
  • Give cats their snack (Yes, they are spoiled.)
  • Start dishwasher
  • Head off to watch latest British crime show and read a bit before my sleeping pills kick in
  • Feel grateful for a well earned rest and a clean comfortable home to relax in
* At anytime during this schedule, I could be interrupted to work with my boys on their educational process. I am trained to handle everything from Least Common Multiples to Dickens.

