Trying Something New

Trying Something New

I love finding new ideas and things to make my life simpler, prettier and just more fun. So when I came across a product called Bees Wrap, I was intrigued. I know the true purpose is to be more environmentally conscious, and with an upcoming move to Portland on the agenda, it seemed like a good time to explore such an option. But, what really drew me to these nifty little things was the old fashioned charm and attractiveness of them. These lovely little creations are used as an alternative to plastic wrap. They can be used to wrap up items such as cheese and fruit. Also, they make a great cover for bowls. There is a warning about not using with meat that makes quite a bit of sense as they are meant to be washed in cold water and reused. Tonight's calzones required some freshly grated parmesan. The use of this favorite cheese is always a cause for celebration in our home, but even more so tonight as I was able to try out my new wraps. I was not disappointed in the cleverness or cuteness factor. Although, a bit pricey, I plan on adding a few more of these to my home collection.
